Please note that "Stations" is used in North America - "Authorities is used in Australia and New Zealand
Steps for Updating or Adding an Area of Interest
- Data Check
- Select Station/Authority Code
- Open AuthorityViewer for Station/Authority
- Upload New AOI
- Check Map
a) If AOI is Incorrect, Reject AOI and move back step 5
b) If AOI is Correct, move to step 7 - Approve the AOI
- Publish AOI
Data Check Before Uploading an Area of Interest (AOI)
Before using AuthorityViewer, we recommend a few simple checks be run on the data to ensure it is of a suitable quality.
Open the zip folder and look for:
- What files are in the zip? If there are .pdfs, .xls or other Microsoft files it won’t load automatically, these need to be removed
- Is it an ESRI shape file? If so, you need a .shp, .shx, .prj and .dbf
- Is it a MapInfo tab file? If so, you need a .tab, .dat, .map and .id
- Can you open the file successfully with your GIS?
- Is it a polygon? (Not a line or point)
- What projection is it? AuthorityViewer cannot accept CSRS as a projection currently.
If the data looks ok, then load it into AuthorityViewer. FME will run its processes required to update the AOI (see information within Uploading an AOI).
Uploading an AOI
If you are setting up a new Station/Authority for your company, or if your asset area scope has changed or a map error has been discovered, you will need to upload a new Area of Interest (AOI). This is used in the background of OneCall. When a contractor submits a ticket and their map drawing intersects your AOI, your company will be sent a notification. If it doesn’t intersect your AOI or you have not setup an AOI, you will not receive any notification for that ticket.
To add an AOI, open Authority Viewer through Settings > OneCallAccess > Stations/Authorities > Authority Viewer (if you are a Service Operator, you will need to search for the specific company first in the search bar at the top of your screen) and the following application will open in a new tab:
The application will load showing a default map. Click Upload Data from the top of the left-hand panel:
A popup will appear:
Fill in the form and upload a zip file of with either Shape OR Tab files OR a CSV grid file and click Upload. A popup will show that the file was successfully uploaded.
An update to an AOI cannot reach the Approve stage if the automatic quality checks at the Publish Gate fail:
This increases the quality of the data, as you will not be able to Approve poor quality data.
For CSV Grids:
The email will provide the recipients with details of which grids passed the Grid Match step and which grids failed. You can review the list and check whether you can fix any issues. For example, typing mistakes. This process can be re-run from the upload step when errors are fixed.
Once the dataset has been uploaded, confirm the AOI is correct by looking at it on the map. The map tools on the left side allow you to zoom in closer to view more detail, measure distances, switch between Street, Satellite, Terrain or Hybrid maps, and include/exclude current and past AOIs and reference points.
Now you can Approve, Reject and Publish the AOI.
Approving, Rejecting and Publishing an AOI
Once the AOI has successfully uploaded and been checked, you can either Approve or Reject the AOI.
Approving an AOI
If the AOI is correct, the next step is to provide AOI Layer Approval. From the left-hand panel, select the Approved radio button, then click Apply. It is up to you if you choose to approve the AOI yourself or if you pass it to the utility at this point for their review and approval.
Your next step is to select the Publish Date (see below).
Rejecting an AOI
If the AOI is incorrect, select the Not Approved radio button, then click Apply. If you reject a layer, you will be required to provide a reason in a pop-up box after clicking Apply. The reason you provide will be added to the Authority History log. Enter the details, then click Confirm. A new AOI dataset will need to be uploaded to replace the incorrect one.
Publishing an AOI
Once the AOI has been approved, select the Publish Date. Click into the field to see a calendar and time drop-down:
You can toggle between months using the arrows at the top of the pop-up. You can choose a date and time in the future for the AOI to be published. The earliest that AOIs can be published is 15 minutes from your current time. If you wish to publish the AOI ASAP, click the +15 min button which will automatically take the current time from your browser local time and add 15 minutes.
Note: Time will be entered in your local time. When you click Publish, the system will automatically convert the time to the Australian Eastern Standard Time (EST) which is the system’s time.
If you choose a time that is before 15 minutes from your current time, an error will appear saying you need to select a time that is later than 15 minutes from your current time, but it will show it in EST. Simply choose another time at least 15 minutes from your current time and the system will automatically recognize it and convert it to EST time.
Click Done once you have made your selection, then click Publish:
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