This table shows the number of tickets and notifications (caller confirmation sheets and utility notifications) that are in a stuck or error state. It splits it into Emergency and Normal tickets/notifications:
The bar at the very top shows the last time the table was updated. The table will not automatically update while you are looking at it, but if you open a new page within Management Tools or refresh the page, the table will update. All tables accessed through these buttons are ordered in increasing job number order.
In the Enquiries row, it shows how many tickets are stuck or errored. In this case, 2 emergency tickets and 23 normal tickets are stuck or errored.
Clicking the Enquiries button will produce the screen below:
These lists show all the tickets that are either stuck (taking more than 15mins to process to the next stage), or errored (failed). It is split up into 3 sections: Enquiries For Completion, Enquiries For Reprocessing, and Enquiries Without Static Map. Each table will include the OneCall job number, the date and time the ticket was lodged, the priority (i.e. if it is an emergency or not), the status and an Action column to select which tickets you want to action. Tickets will be automatically filtered into the relevant table. In this case, all the tickets are relevant only to Enquiries for Completion.
A few minutes after tickets have been actioned, they will disappear from the tables. If they get stuck or fail again, they will reappear. If this happens continually with one ticket, this may need to be escalated to PelicanCorp Global Support.
The various statuses that will appear in these three tables are:
- JOB CREATED - Enquiry record created
- JOB OBJECT DESCRIPTION CREATED - Map object record created
- JOB TICKET AUDIT CREATED - Ticket audit record created
- JOB MAP GRIDS CREATED - Map grids created (Or skipped if not required)
- JOB AUTHORITIES INTERSECTED - AOI Intersection has run successfully
- DISABLE EXISTING AUTHORITY NOTIFICATIONS - Disable existing notification authority records (so you don't get duplicates if you retry a job)
- DISABLE EXISTING CALLER NOTIFICATIONS - Disable existing notification caller records (so you don't get duplicates if you retry a job)
- JOB PENDING - Only appears for jobs lodged by internal users while they edit the notified utility list
- JOB IMAGE PROCESSING - Job has been flagged for image creation (.gif)
- JOB PROCESSED - Image created
Note: if you have a lot of notifications in OPEN or READY, or the enquiry statuses are JOB CALLER NOTIFICATION CREATED, then a good thing to do is to check if the windows services that those processes are running – to do this and check the servers, you may need to escalate to Global Support.
In the Enquiries for Completion table, the various actions available are:
- Reprocess Job – this cancels the old job and automatically resubmits a new one with a new ticket number
- Complete Job – this pushes the job back one step to retry processing, which will hopefully be successful and then automatically continue processing through the system
- Cancel Job – this cancels the job, but the job will still appear in the user’s history
- Deactivate Job – this is rarely used, it doesn’t cancel the job but removes it from all history and so invisible, it is only stored in the background database.
To action a ticket/s, select the ticket/s you wish to process the same way, select the desired action and then click the Action button. You can also action all tickets but ticking the box next to the Action heading
Enquiries For Reprocessing are tickets that have become stuck very early on in the process and do not have an effective status to be pushed back to in order to retry process (like you can do when you action a ticket as “Complete”). These tickets need to be cancelled and resubmitted, cancelled or deactivated. These are the only three options available in the drop down for actioning tickets in this table.
Enquiries Without Static Map are tickets where the GIF map failed to be created. This could be due to an issue at the point where the ticket details try talking with GoogleMaps to process the map. For these tickets, the options for actioning these are:
All actions are as above, with the additional action of Insert Default Image. This will insert a basic image to enable to the ticket to continue processing.
The Notifications section shows how many contractor and utility member notifications have failed in total, breaking them down into Caller (contractor) and Authority (member) numbers:
In this case, 140 emergency notifications have failed. Of these 1 was a caller confirmation sheet and 139 were utility notifications. At the same time, 1555 normal notifications have failed – 15 of these were caller confirmation sheets, while 1540 of them are utility notifications.
The various statuses that will appear in these two tables are:
- NOTIFICATION OPEN - Database record has been created and is waiting to be picked up to process. Note that these will not process until the Enquiry is in JOB PROCESSED status.
- NOTIFICATION PROCESSING - Flagged for notification creation
- NOTIFICATION FAILED - Notification creation failed
- NOTIFICATION READY - Notification files have been created, waiting to be picked up to send
- NOTIFICATION SEND FAILED - Notification send failed
- NOTIFICATION SENT - Notification has been sent
B2B Notification Status - No real difference other than the send method i.e. for utility notifications
- NOTIFICATION B2B READY - Notification files have been created, waiting to be picked up to send
- NOTIFICATION B2B RETRIEVED - Notification has been sent
This table shows the caller confirmation sheets that have failed to send or be received. You can either:
- Complete Notification – pushes the notification back one step to retry and then continue processing if successful
- Deactivate Notification – choose this option if you wish to disable the notification from being sent.
This table shows the utility notifications that are stuck or failed. It includes extra information like the Sequence Number and the Authority Name. It can only show approximately the oldest 100 notifications that need to be actioned. A warning panel at the top will alert you that not all notifications are showing:
As you action notifications, others not shown will appear in the table at the bottom.
Again, the actions available for these notifications are:
- Complete Notification – pushes the notification back one step to retry and then continue processing if successful
- Deactivate Notification – choose this option if you wish to disable the notification from being sent.
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